Monday, May 23, 2011

The connection between obesity and construction debris!

Occassionally in this space we will talk about issues that are not directly about construction waste, but more generally about sustainability, which sometimes will include good and bad examples we see. Today's blog is such an example.

There is a lot of conversation these days about obesity, and the corporatization of food production. Tied to this issue is how to produce and distribute food sustainably. Needless to say, food can be enormously complicated and it can be difficult to know where to start if you feel compelled to be part of a solution.

I recently came across what I see as one aspect of a solution, which is improving the training of our city youth in healthier diets and food production. When you think about it, these kids are at the biggest disadvantage as a consumer because they are almost completely separated from food production. Food can appear to just show up on the plate ready to eat, which is oddly parallel to trash in the sense that in cities, trash placed curbside just magically disappears. Educate these kids and change behaviors with them and you have a good shot at a better future.

So if you want to be part of the solution, I'd encourage you to check out a program called Foodprints. These folks are already doing great work and want to build a teaching kitchen in a school. If that works, the sky is the limit. You can easily donate a small (or larger) amount of money and see direct and real results. Here is a link:

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