Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Fair Question....

The other day I ran across an intriguing sounding video, titled "How will the Sustainability Impact the Solid Waste Movement." Here is a link:

Unfortunately when I watched the video it seemed like the usual industry patter. But I still think its a great and fair question that we should strive to answer.

The answer is probably highly variable, depending on who you ask. The Ace answer is people are definitely more interested in recycling than in years past, but problems with the US economy and the lack of policing on the green washing front is, to some extent, taking the edge off what should be wonderful times for those of us in the recycling space.

Over time the economy will recover and it won't be a moment too soon for all of us. There are also movements to certify facilities like ours, thus helping to remove false claims. I think the most promising of these has been put forth by the Construction Materials Recycling Association. Our fingers are crossed.

We'd like to hear what you think....

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